In Shaoxing, Enjoy “The Journey of a Legendary Landscape Painting”只此青绿,在绍兴“The Journey of a Legendary Landscape Painting”The all-female traditional dance troupe featured onthe annual Lunar New Year show on CCTV,prompting people across the country to try and recreate the moves.舞蹈诗剧《只此青绿》登上虎年春晚的舞台。该舞剧以中华优秀传统文化作为切入点,“舞绘”北宋天才画家王希孟名作——青绿山水画的巅峰之作《千里江山图》。The dance-poem drama Thousands Miles of Mountains and Rivers is a“poetic drama”that comprises a number of parts including“Scroll Unfolding, Seal Scrip
The Legend of Sleeping Dragon MountainSleeping Dragon Mountain is now called Fushan. Located in the west of Shaoxing, south of Jianhu Lake. At an altitude of 74 meters, it stands with Jishan Mountain and Tashan Mountain in the city. It covers an area of 22 hectares and covers an area of 330 mu(Chinese unit of area). It is named after the rolling hills and the shape of a sleeping dragon. In Song Dynasty, there were 72 pavilions on the mountain. There are more than 10 scenic spots, such as Yuewang
In the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty (1645), Han people all over the country raised the anti-Qing flag and rose up to resistthe iron hoof of the Qing army. There were many scholars in Shaoxing who would rather die than cut their hair and braids to serve the Qing Dynasty. The martyrdom of the seven sages in the Du Dong Bridge was one of the stories.In the east of Yan an Middle Road, there was a stone arch bridge named Du Dong Bridge.It collapsed due to the old age and was rebuilt on the site.
Maoer BridgeThere was a stone bridge in the northeast of Shaoxing, called Maoer Bridge, also known as the Jie Tan Bridge(means abstaining from greed). Mention of the origin of this bridge, there was an interesting story.According to legend, there was a big temple in the southwest of the river before the Maoer Bridge was built. Strangely enough, there were a lot of rats in the west of the river, but few rats were found in the east side. There lived a lonely old master named Yongfu in the east sid
Lu Xuns name from Chang Qing TempleIn Shaoxing, there was a custom of naming children to bodhisattvas or monks, seekinghelp from the power of God and Buddhato dispel diseases and exorcise evils.People believed that it could helpthe sound growth of children, and it contained the good wishes of elders for the health and safety of the young. When Lu Xun was still in his infancy, he was taken to Chang Qing Temple by his elders, worshiping the abbot Long Zu as a teacher, and being a disciple of Long
The Origin of Qingteng BookstoreQingteng Bookstore, located at No.10 DachenLane, Qianguan Alley, Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, was a traditional Chinese residential building with gardens.It was also the former residence of Xu Wei, an outstanding literary master in Ming Dynasty. According to New Records of Shanyin County, Qingteng Bookstore was the former residence of Xu Wei in Ming Dynasty. Qingteng Bookstore and Tombof Xu Wei, ancient buildings of Ming Dynasty, were approved by the State Council
DaintyLandscape in the South of the Yangtze俏江南Wu Conghui浙江越秀外国语学院吴聪慧I heard that you are somewhere in the long distance,so I turn to the wind for help to convey the message thatI will meet you one day when Gardenias blossom.听闻远方有你,我托风儿悄悄告诉你待栀子花开时,我一定来见你。As I promised,at the sound of the blossom of Gardenia,I pluck a cloud from the sky,by which I travelled thousands of miles to see you.我不负与时光的约,听到栀子花开的声音,轻轻地从天上采撷了一朵云儿,让云儿捎上我,奔赴远方,去见千里之外的你。The soft cloud resembles a leaf of boat,taking me to the p
청등서옥(青藤书屋)의내력청등서옥은절강성소흥시전광뒷골목대승골목(前观巷大乘弄)10번지에 위치하며 원림특색이 있는 중국 전통민가 건축물이며 명나라 걸출한 문학예술가 서위의 생가이기도 하다.산음현신지(山阴县新志)에청등서옥,전명 서위의 고택(青藤书屋,前明徐渭故宅)이라고 기록되어 있다.2006년05월,청등서옥과 서위의묘는명나라고대건축으로서국무원의비준을받아제6차 전국중점문물보호대상명단에포함되었다.서위는젊었을때부터재능이범상치않았다고전해진다.어느날두명의신선이산그늘을지나가는데,이 일을 듣고 별로 믿지 않았다.그들은승려와낭중이되어서위를대운교옆에있는작은주점으로데리고갔다.두사람은술을권하며서위에게안주는하지말자고했으나또말하기를여전히술과같이먹을것이있어야한다고하였다.서위는어리둥절했지만거절하지않았다.낭중은먼저술사발을들고크게한모금마신다음오른손을뻗어긴새끼손톱을힘껏물어뜯어작은손톱을삼키며“손톱을물어뜯어술을마신다”라고말했다.승려도그모습을보고술사발을들고몇모금마신후,긴 소매를 걷어 올리고,아픈 것을 참고 왼쪽 팔뚝에 점을 하나
keep the hot tourism strategy,deep in Shaoxing.A leaf of awning, through thousands of years; Rice wineand village opera, which deduces the customs of ordinary alleys; The legacy of the Wei and Jin Dynasties has given a resounding style to the south of the Yangtze River... This city with beautiful scenery and profound cultural heritage is called Shaoxing. It also has another name: the cultural capital of East Asia.一叶乌篷,穿越千年;黄酒社戏,演绎着寻常巷陌的风俗百态;魏晋遗风,赋予了掷地有声的江南风骨……这座风景优美,文化底蕴深厚的城市叫绍兴,它还有另一个称呼:东亚文化之都。
북해교의 건설고대이성(소흥성)에는 북해라는 물길이 있었는데,물살이 흉흉하고 빨라서 민중들이 여러 차례 다리를 만들지 못하자 노반(鲁班)의수제자에게다리만들기를맡겼다.처음에그는너무자만하여연거푸실패하고,마지막에는 겸허하게 스승에게 가르침을 청하여 마침내 북해교를 만들었다.전설에따르면북해의다리를만들때노반의제자는분수를모르고자신의재능이높다고믿고있었다.북해교를건설하는일을맡고는결코스승과사제들과상의하고싶지않았다.곧장길일을택하여석공과대량의토공들을지휘하여공사를시작하였다.그러나뜻대로되지않았다.다리 말뚝을 박은 지 얼마 되지 않아 급류에 떠내려갔다.돈과힘을들였지만성과를거두지못했다.큰제자는마음속으로이일은스승의가르침을받아야한다고생각했지만,또 스스로 부끄러움을 느꼈다.사모님께몰래도와달라고간청할수밖에없다.사모님은그에게판자벽뒤에숨어서스승이돌아온후기회를엿보라고했다.노반이집에돌아오자,사모가 이 일을 꺼냈다. 듣자하니 당신의 제자가 북해의 다리를 만들고있는데연달아실패했다는데,어찌하면해결할수있있을까요?노반은 고개를흔들며한
소흥은역사가유구하고문화도중후하다.풍요롭고살기좋은곳일뿐만아니라경치도아름다운곳이다.소흥창안가(昌安街)에는오래된동교가하나있는데,이 다리는 이미 오래되어 산전수전을 겪었고,다리 위의 석판은 이미 행인들에 의해 닳아서 반들반들하고 미끄러워서,마치 비바람 속에서 돌아온 한 노인이 지나간 길을 나지막하게 말하고 있는듯하다.이오래된동교에는건륭제(乾隆皇帝)와관련된이야기가아직도전해지고있다!전해져내려오는이야기에의하면,건륭제 창안(昌安)동교다리끝을지날때다리위에백발이성성한다섯명의노인을보았는데,하나같이 얼굴색이 붉고 원기가 왕성했다고 한다.건륭제가다가와물었다. 어르신께서 환갑이 되셨죠?그들 중 한 노인은우리 다섯 사람은 모두 동갑내기이다.총400살이다라고 해맑게 말했다.건륭제는80이넘은고령임에도이렇게정정하다는것에매우놀랐다.그는소흥이장수의고향이라는것을생각지못했다.몇년이지나고건륭제가다시소흥에와서,동교에 있는 다섯 분의 백발동안 노인의 일을 생각하여,곧 동교에 가보고싶었다.그는다섯노인이여전히정정한것을보고는그들에게